Day 10

Another early start - no surprise there - as we headed over to a new part of the Las Tangaras reserve at Gorrion de Andivia. The drive up in the dark produced a couple of Pauraque's and a brief Lyre-tailed Nightjar.

As the sun rose we were treated to spectacular views as there was little cloud down in the valleys.

The first new bird to offer good views was Munchique Wood Wren. We'd heard this species a couple of days earlier up at the Yellow-eared Parrot site, but several were seen well along the forest track. Next up, was one of the most anticipated species for the trip, Black-billed Mountain-Toucan.

In the bright weather birding was slow but a mixed flock produced Barred Fruiteater Montane Woodcreeper, Black-capped and Supercillaried Hemispingus. A Bronzy Inca, was a new hummer for the trip. Although not new for the trip, Golden-faced Redstarts are always a delight as small parties moved through the forest edges.

Keeping an eye on the sky, produced a pair of fly over Scaly-naped Amazons, Pale-footed Swallow and a White-rumped Hawk.

After lunch back at the lodge, we headed back up the road we birded yesterday. By this time, the cloud forest was living up to its name with banks of think clouds slowly enveloping us. Birding was still good with a number of new species logged including Masked Trogon, Yellow-bellied Chat-tyrant, Black-throated Tody-flycatcher and Lineated Foliage-gleaner.

                                                   Masked Trogon - through the clouds

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